John Spedition & ZUFALL logistics group – Integration takes off

Change in management at John Spedition in Eichenzell

On 01.01.2024, Birgit Bergemann (60) will retire as Managing Director of John Spedition in Eichenzell into retirement. For 27 years with the company, including the last 13 years as owner and Managing Director, she has had a significant influence on the development of the transport and logistics company. The ZUFALL logistics group, based in Göttingen, lower saxony, took over the company in the Summer. “I had already handed over the steering wheel. Now it´s time to leave the ship too. There´s no doubt that it will remain successfully on course” says Birgit Bergemann confidently.

Proven logistics expert as the new head

Christoph Göbel (59) will take over the management role at the Eichenzell site. He has been a member of the ZUFALL logistics group´s management team since 2020 and, in his role as Chief regional Officer (CRO), is responsible for all of the group´s general cargo locations. This now also includes John Spedition. Before joining the management team, he was responsible for the ZUFALL branch in Fulda for more than 20 years and has extensive experience in the transport and logistics business in the east Hesse region and far beyond.

“Silent takeover”

“A big thank you goes to Birgit Bergemann for her support during the transition period since the purchase of John Spedition on 1 August 2023,” reports Christoph Göbel. “It was a completely smooth takeover.” Work is already underway to integrate the company into the ZUFALL logistics group. The location in Eichenzell will gradually be able to access the entire ZUFALL infrastructure. The aim is to grow together and continue to offer a comprehensive range of logistics services for customers in the region.


John Spedition & ZUFALL logistics group – Integration takes off – Press Release
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Birgit Bergemann hands over management of John Spedition to Christoph Göbel © ZUFALL logistics group